Profile Details

Dr.Jomon Joseph Thachil

Profile Info:

Dr. Jomon, Physical Oceanographer, was former Deputy Director i/c at CIFNET unit, Chennai and was a Head, Fisheries Technology Division,CIFNETHQ,Kochi. He has more than 30 years of experience in Research, Schooling and Administrative matters. His Ph.D and subsequent higher academic research work was focused in dynamics of coastal and estuarine studies. He has supervised more than 15 graduate and post-graduate theses of CUSAT and was a consultant research guide of Ph.D. scholars of CUSAT and Bharathidasan University. He was a visiting faculty of KUFOS and CUSAT and also associated as a member of Board of Studies Meeting in School of Marine Sciences, CUSAT. He has represented CIFNET, for the formulation and preparation of India’s National Plan of Action to prevent, deter and eliminate Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing (NPOA-IUU) organized by Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP), Chennai. Dr. Jomon was deputed to visit Fisheries Training Institute, Sultanate of Oman, by Central Ministry, to assess the feasibility of conducting On Job Training (OJT) Programme for Omani trainees and formulating Memorandum of Understanding between two Institutes, CIFNET and FTI Oman and subsequently he organized a long term OJT programme successfully, at CIFNET as Chief Coordinator.

Dr.Jomon has participated a number of oceanographic cruises, having 5 to 40 days period of duration in deep ocean going research vessels such as ORV SagarKanya, MV.Prashikshani, M.V.Skipper II and M.V.Bluefin in Indian Ocean sector. He was a team member of the project works on Studies on Coastal Marine Processes (UGC project -CUSAT ), Wave power potential of Lakshadweep islands (DOD project- CESS). He has published more than 20 research papers and articles in national journals and in the proceedings of the international workshops. He has also published a hand book on Meteorology (ISBN 81-87245-04-2).